Day Two.
It has been a long and rather cold winter here in Florida. In fact for the first time ever I ran the heat on full blast for days on end.So it was a real pleasure that first week of April brought with it some of the most beautiful seventy and eighty degree days. Then came Monday and the temperature hit eighty outside which meant my car was ninety after baking in the sun all day. It was unbearable even with the sunroof open and all the windows down (air condition burns gas). So I made a beeline home
to seek the coolness of my neighborhood and all it's trees. I was almost home when I realized I didn't take my walk,my heart sank. I was going to have to skip a day because there was no way I would be driving to any area in rush hour traffic just to huff and puff. I was passed the exit to the on ramp anyway, surely I could just walk extra the next day. Well two lights down from that thought I realized the next left would take me past the local mall. Anyone who knows me understands the disdain I have for shopping. Still when in a crisis those paved over combinations of boxed stores and greasy spoon eateries come in handy. I jumped in the turn lane and headed to the strip with all it's distraction. I find a good space
by the sporting goods store and made my way to the entrance to the mall. Surely I looked like a crazy standing in the hallway of Dicks stretching and pushing off against the steel beams as a audience of black folk seated in the mall waited for the group they were with to come out of Dillard's.
I didn't care, I was on a mission and not even a mall packed with unholy terrors out on spring break would stop me.
The walk wasn't bad but the temptation was a little great at first. The smell of food or rather grease and onions always gets to me. I won't even talk about the fact it was so hot an ice cream shop had a line out of its door. I found myself walking briskly past all the triple scoops of chocolate pistachio waffle cones people were holding, only to hit the two dollar cupcake place at the next turn. I had not even made the food court yet and already Aunt Anne's lemonade and pretzels started calling my name,but I ignored the mall. I knew one time around this particular
place would make a mile so I set my sights on four trips. Exercise takes my hunger away so thankfully by the half way point I was over the assault on my senses. By the time I hit the food court I was giving quick no thank yous to the Asian food samples and a guy from the pizza place who tried to tell me I should reward myself with a slice of something.This sister kept rolling in fact I as I cruised into the third lap I was getting faster. Just in time because after two the hot dog store has a two for one sale
and that part of the mall was filling up fast with hungry families.
I can't emphasis how great it felt for the ordeal to come to an end. The fourth tour was a charm, I was tired and ready to make my way back to the parking lot.
As I exited a father and son stood eyeing a kayak hanging from the rafters just outside the door.Surely we would not miss these places if main streets could be rebuilt. Oh wait the new malls are designed to look like main street with parking at the doors, fountains and valet parking to certain restaurants. Well it served my purpose at least on Monday walked in the comfort of air condition and lived to share the experience.
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