Saturday, November 8, 2014

Beach Running Classic

This calendar year was supposed to be about 5ks. Somewhere along the road i mapped for myself i exited off onto a multi lane highway. To be exact i told myself i could manage a 10k and up  because i usaully train six miles without a problem and have done as much as 40 miles in a week. As the saying goes, famous last words.
I can't say why i signed up for the beach run other than it was something i hadn't done. I knew it would be difficult but prayed i hadn't gotten in over my head.
The race started at 7:48 and for Florida it was cold. I think it was around 48 degrees as the sun came up. I saw people walking around in winter jackets and sweat pants but by the time the sun made it's appearance over the horizon everyone had their running attire on. A few people sported their throw away jackets but i had no intentions of tossing mine.
Once the start gun sounded i knew i was in trouble. Im a slow starter and like to build speed during the race, which always lands me in the back of the pack since im walking.
From early on it was apparent that i had forgotten one thing about the beach, its sloped. Fighting the wind and struggling against a sandy incline zapped the strength right out of me.
The first mile i was able to keep a fifteen minute pace but as my knees broke down i slowed. Mile two i started following the trails of clothing laying on the top of the beaches slope. It was warming up into the high fifties and people began flying through the course. My knees were starting to stiffen. Members of my running group were somewhere at the head of the pack as i trudged on with the only other member of our group who was injured too, she was nursing a foot problem. By mile three the faster half marathoners were on my tail as i made the u turn back to the finish line. My "running" buddys numb foot allowed her to take off and i watched her fade down the beach while i struggled to finish.
The incline was wearing me out. I looked down at the heavily packed brown sand and noticed sea birds pecking at jellyfish.The sight of numerous purplish blobs of nasty stinging ocean monsters began to make me gag. Around mile four i was thirsty but the water stop guy had the cups laying in the sand. I thought of the wind blowing grains of sand and fleas in the drink. When he dipped his fingers in the cup to lift it up i declined. I was so sorry i had not worn my water belt.
Trudging on i had the misfortune to scramble around couples disregaurding the race perimeters and walking hand in hand on the beach down the race lane. I had to dodge more than a few of them before i began playing mow down the civilians.
Every nonracer i spotted became a target to pass. Since they were the only ones slower than me it kept my motivated level high.
My mouth was really dry entering mile six but i was happy. That is until it began to feel like five miles instead of one. Im not convinced it was only a mile but maybe the ache in my bad knee made me delusional. Whatever the truth was the final attack on my knee joint was making it up the hill to the soft loose sand and the finish line. I had to stop and look for an easy path because i could hardly manage to lift my legs. I wasn't tired just crippled by damaged ligaments. I grabbed my medal, and not sure it i said thank you but ran to find water.
I never eat or drink race food but lost my mind and grabbed a sports drink i had never heard of and a slice of pizza from a box way underneath the pile no one had taken from. The pizza was cold hard cardboard,they must have received it the day before. It took me by surprise that i even took a bite bur i did i before i realized it. At leaat I didn't bother drinking the beverage.
Instead i walked over to the photo back drop and took my first picture with my running group ( i once vowed never to take a fat girl picture). I thanked them for helping me see the light about my pilgrimage. It really issnt about my weight, its about the road im traveling and the memories i should keep to look back on. After checking my time i bid them goodbye and headed to the parking lot.
My vehicle was stocked with water and Gatorade and the moment i got in it i reached over into the cooler for a drink. On the way home i stopped at dunkin donuts (yes i did) and brought a half dozen assorted donuts.Proudly i only ate three before guilt set in and left the rest for the house.
All in all it was a good day. I ended up a little sore but that lasted only a day. Now i can cross beach races off the bucket list. Trust me never again will i walk with the segals.

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