Sunday, March 8, 2015


I made the drive to Orlando yesterday for a unity march. I guess i need to back track though.
Friday i was in Publix trying to find something for lunch after scouting our a few places on my selma50 route. So being the age I am i did what most black folk do, i saw a black couple and asked what was going on in the area for the event.
Voila! The wife responded that her organization was having a unity march and prayer service in Orlando. She offered to go out to her car and get the flyers. As we talked by her car i decided that i was going to attend. On Saturday I began the first official day of my trek.
As i walked i noticed the new major league soccer team was having an event. It seemed the whole town was decked out in purple, there were posters everywhere. I spotted a young couple walking down the street and questioned if they knew about the Selma march. They didn't, they were just a couple on a date but i questioned aloud if young folks appreciate or cared about history or the future. The young man said don't assume we don't and have a blessed day. He wasn't pleased with my questioning and that is the way black folks tell people off with out being nasty so to speak. I wished him the same and although these were just two people on a date i hope they do know and respect what has been done for them enough to be the next steps on the foundations in our community and to the world. I also thought what a wonderful sight and how fifty years ago these two wouldnt have been able to enjoy themselves in mixed company for a night on the town. Then I continued on my way arriving early to city hall and i saw no one. I started thinking maybe it was cancelled or no one cared to come. The list of things to do that night was over flowing a concert across the street at the new performing arts center, Elton John was playing in the arena and that soccer party was gearing up.

Instead of waiting alone i went to move my car closer to the area. I had parked by the lake but didn't realize it was a little to far. Actually if i had been able to park longer at the meter i might have stayed. I learned on the way back to my car that i walked the wrong way and instead of two blocks i walked about four. No worries i found another good spot and preceded back to city hall. This time a few more people where there a few Omega psi phi frat guys and a couple stood around talking then suddenly a host of media showed up and at one point out numbered the participants. Surprisingly fox news was there and i avoided them as i was not interested in making it on their broadcast. I wanted to find people and discover their stories but most of all i had hoped to see diversity in the crowd. Well i got that in spats and am happy to have met some. folks. This young Palestinian man told me he was proud to be here and appreciated freedom fighters. There were also a group of Puerto Ricans showing support for what they said was a jailed freedom fighter. Young college students i thanked for being there and told i was just proud of them for beating the odds and doing positive things. They asked that the young who represented the future stand in front with the clergy and march is to the church. Although the crowd was mostly older i found joy that some twenty somethings were there. Students groups from UCF were there talk about how they had set up organizations on campus to fill their needs. Also was happy to meet a young white couple who brought their two preschool agef girls and said it was their pleasure to attend. Considering we were talking voting rights i was sadden more of those in the latin community didn't show but some heads of their organizations represented. Which brings me to the the fact that we need to find new ways to reach out to todays young people. In Selma they had rappers and r&b artist for the annual festival. In the future we are going to have to modernize the way we present to the generations behind us. We don't have to lose the lesson to reach a greater audience. So as i walked the block to the church i made one promise to myself. Deliver the truth in a way that all can relate and know my audience. I m walking to improve myself and better serve this community not to just retrace history but to take the torch so many held to get me here and pass it on.

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