Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Day 3

There are many types of walks and on the third day of my journey i knew in my heart i needed to take a walk of honor.
So Tuesday I drove to Eastern Florida State College because it was the midway point to my destinations for the day and it would serve as my emergency support point. I usually carry everything i need with me from a first aid kit to food and porta potty but the comfort of having security and an air conditioned place to rest if i became ill or was injured convinced me to park there. I had also hoped to march a loop around the campus and perhaps strick up  some interesting  conversations with students. I'd had that kind of talk with a group of nineteen and twenty somethings there during the black history luncheon. However It was getting close to spring break though and the student count was low  judging from the parking lot. So I made the decision to quickly gathered my supplies for the day and head out to the road to start.
It was a little past noon and hot. I would never be caught out under normal circumstances at that time of day but i told myself the marchers had to deal with whatever the weather brought them and so should I.

The sun was at full power when i stepped onto the shoulder of US1. Even though I was holding the flag i wasn't all that hot.The wind was really whipping old glory around but the breeze took away some of the heat for the long walk ahead. The day before i scouted my route and noted it was a little over a mile to the first destination. I also knew to walk against traffic as this is Florida and people will mow you over. Being left as two legged road kill while the motorist drives home and has dinner like nothing happened was not on my agenda. What i wasn't prepared for was the length of time it would take me. The weeds masquerading as grass slowed me down and maneuvering around roadside debris was taking its toll. I also made sure to watch out for snakes or anything else coming out the bushes. Other than a few motorist honking their horns because i was waving the flag i was basically alone. I neares a farm and noticed a horse who happened to be grazing with some cows looked up at me and just kept staring. As i passed he waged his tail like a dog. I don't know much about horses but i hope it was a good thing. I looked back and noticed he or she didn't put its head back down to continue eating until i was a ways down the road. It was another half hour before i finally saw what i was looking. a small sign saying mims. My energy drink was almost gone but i still had a full bottle of water remaining . It gave me enough strength to walk the two long highway blocks to the museum i on the way to . I was looking for freedom avenue the road that lead to the Harry and Harriett Moore cultural center and park. Once i found the street the pep came back in my step. I walked straight down the middle of the road flag raised and eyes on the prize It was important for me to make this a stop on my trek. The Moores were civil rights pioneers in the fifties. They were on the front lines of the struggle until they were killed by a bomb placed under their house. I wanted to walk the path around the complex to pay homage to the sacrafice they made. As i passed the replica of their house built on the site where the orginal stood it felt as if someone was home and would invite me in. I meandered through the water garden lined with tribute bricks reading names then continued around to the back of the property. Leaving i snapped one last picture as a reminder to myself to honor those that may not always be in the civil rights conversation but should be. I headed back to the college and packed the flag away and drove to the a local bridge. I wanted to finished my day by walking the Max brewer bridge. With the flag flying in a strong wind i sang the glory song and made up my own songs to pass time. I got some thumbs up and high fives on the walk over and back from people who just saw the flag and it made them feel good. One lady who was crossing towards me said it was a beautiful sight to see as she looked up while walking up the bridge towards me. It was the perfect way to end the day.

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