Sunday, March 1, 2015


Woke up this morning tired with an achilles that was tender, all from a 5k. Im telling you racing on cobble stones is no joke. The orlando race took me out but i knew i had to get my Swamp miles in.
Since i never race back to back i took on this ome as a virtual.  Some people don't like them or call them training runs, i xall them challenges. It's hard for me to keep a good pace when I'm not on a clock. So i headed to a favorite running spot for locals.
Well being Sunday and having four marathons within driving distance of the area i saw none of the regulars. I changed into my race shoes, put the pedometer on (yes I'm high tech lol) and started on my way.
I was stiff at the onset but trudged on despite the sky looking like it would open up and bless me. It took until the mile mark before these old muscles of mine warmed up and let me relax. I was still slow but feeling better about the way things were going and then it happened.
I wanted to stop, i was losing interest but i wasn't tired or hurt. I knew it was the let down from the previous race day so i just made myself keep going and the thought went away. By mile three i had experienced a light drizzle that was more of an April shower in March. I found it refreshing because it was hot. The thermostat on my phone said it was seventy but it felt like eighty. I had not drank much water up until that point either.I learned from my first half not to over hydrate myself so i waited until mile three then gave myself a water and energy drink break.
I continued on and the miles got not easier but more comfortable . I was glad to hit the nine mark because that's generally where i feel home free.
I love doing these long virtuals do to the fact my thoughts move into a zone that is basically my own private race world.They are different than a training session in many ways. First im concerned about time and second i keep tabs on what it will take to conquer the course I've choosen.That's different than my training because all i worry about is staying in shape for distance. It's also differs from an actual race in that i see the people i meed to beat, am subject to being pushed by cheering from strangers or am influenced to speed up or block out competitors moves. Thank goodness i finished this one it showed me i still have work to do.

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