Friday, April 23, 2010

Still pounding the pavement

okay if they call big male runners clydesdales what are women. Heck I love those darn horses, my favorite is Scottie. Having been to see them more than once but I never imagined I would be clunking around parking lots like one. Wait unlike them I'm not moving fast but you get the picture.
I am really busy with work ventures this week so that's exactly where my walking is taking place. My body is hurting too, it's more than likely my change in diet. I have been a vegetarian for years but recently I feel the need for some protein because daily exercise is back in my life. My body is just running out of energy.
Oh lord, yesterday I looked at some fried chicken and this g.r.i.t almost wrapped my lips around it. Anyway I will have to make some time to redesign my diet. Burning all these calories is sending me to the nutrition depleted house. You better believe I'm looking forward to the weekend for a good meal. I hear a state park calling too, maybe I'll go fishing and run the beach.

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